Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Vision for J’Bay Tourism

Jeffreys Bay depends on tourism for its very survival. Surfers have been coming here for years, seeking to ride the prefect waves that break down the point at Supertubes and will continue to flock to J’Bay from all over the globe as long as the waves keep on breaking.
The December holiday makers will also continue to keep Jeffreys Bay as their preferred holiday destination as the annual pilgrimage to the town has become a family tradition and many of them now own holiday houses or have ended up living here on a permanent basis.
Jeffreys Bay is an internationally recognised tourist destination.
Yet these visitors are not enough to keep the wheels of Jeffreys Bay economy turning and the survival of many businesses in the town depends on increasing the number of tourists, both foreign and local, who visit the town.
Jeffreys Bay Tourism has identified this need and will be focusing their efforts in bringing more tourists to town.
“J’Bay will be promoted as a centralised destination from which tourists can explore the Kouga and other nearby attractions like Addo Elephant Park”, said newly elected Chairman of Tourism, Andy Thysman.
“The Khoisan Heritage sites in the area will also be promoted as major tourist attractions and we are already at work setting up cultural heritage tours that will include things liked the ancient fish traps along the coastline.”
The first house in Jeffreys Bay was aptly named the "White House".
The new Board of Directors are also busy with an upgrade of the Tourism office in Da Gama Road and will be busy training the office staff as well as getting them work uniforms.
Other initiatives are positioning Jeffreys Bay Tourism in social media and a new face book page called Jeffreys Bay Tourism has been created to further promote the town.
Wall plaques have been ordered that will feature the businesses that are members of Jeffreys Bay Tourism and will be visible on the walls of the office. This is to ensure that all members have a footprint in the office.
“I am only the driver of the bus and without fuel, a bus cannot go anywhere”, added Thysman. “I urge all members and those who want to join Tourism to pay their membership fees and commissions so that we can start taking Tourism forward once again”.
A Tourism “open day” is being planned once the office upgrade is complete and the town will be given more information about this event closer to the time.